ausa Telehandlers

Efficiently Moving Materials Is Our Only Business.

Innovative Excellence

What started out as a small, innovative small car company representing the founder’s names, AUSA changed its business model from cars to designing, producing, and marketing compact industrial vehicles that offer our customers performance and innovation. Fuel-efficient and nimble all-terrain forklifts are an integral part of the product line up. The company provides sustainable solutions for the construction of buildings, roads, housing complexes, golf courses, and recreational facilities by mastering the movement of materials and property maintenance

Maximum Lifting Power

Going High With Power & Security

AUSA telehandlers are an ergonomic and safe solution for handling all types of material outdoors. They are designed to move large and heavy loads and adapt easily to the most challenging and steep terrains.

Due to the telescopic arm, the 4×4 telehandler has smaller dimensions in terms of width and provides better handling while still allowing for a spacious and comfortable cab. Its position on the front axle also provides improved visibility for the driver and increased safety during loading and unloading operations.

Reliable & Efficient Lifting Power to 5,000 lbs.

  • Load capacity: 3000 lb
  • Maximum lift: 13.1 ft
  • Load capacity: 4400 lb
  • Maximum lift: 13.8 ft
  • Load capacity: 5000 lb
  • Maximum lift: 16.4 ft